Target Exclusive Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising Skylynx


Skylynx is from the Target Exclusive Predacons Rising line.  He is a redecoed Storm Razor.  The name and colors pay homage to G1 Skylynx without actually being the same character.  But how awesome would it be to have a Transformers Prime Autobot Skylynx show up to fight Predaking in dragon mode?  Anyway, the exclusive packaging is similar to the regular packaging, but blue, and has the Predacons Rising logo.


Skylynx is very hard to take pictures of due to his snowy white parts.  The contrast in Hasbro’s pictures is not much better, though they are more in focus.  Anyway, This is a nice mold.  I have not opened my Storm Razor yet, but I think I like this deco better.  The robot mode is a little awkward, but the dragon mode is very cool.  While I like the format for the instruction sheets in the Beast Hunters line (short story, transformation instructions both ways, more art), they have been missing transformation details.  I have often had to look at the packaging to see what the figure is supposed to look like, and even that is not conclusive, as Hasbro has been known to have transformation mistakes on the packaging.  The point that is missing here is that the knobby thing on his tail is supposed to come off, because there is a step in the instructions that says to put it back on the end of the tail.  But so far, I can not find out where it is supposed to go when not on the tail.  Oh, well…


The weapon gimmick here is two large disks on the wings.  They give Skylynx an interesting appearance, but I prefer his look without them.


This is a nice figure.  Well worth the money at retail price, if you can find it at a Target.  But not worth the inflated exclusive price from other places.

Dragon Mode: 8

Robot mode: 6

Posability: 7

Playability: 8

Durability: 7

True to cartoon: Still have not seen it.  I am waiting for Netflix.

Overall: 7


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