Siege: War for Cybertron Voyager Megatron


This is Siege Voyager Megatron.  As is usual for his Cybertron mode, he transforms into an H-tank.  He comes in a window box with pretty great artwork, instructions and two weapons.  The weapons are integral to the tank mode.

This version of an H-tank is not bad.  It is solid, and the turret can traverse.  The main gun is huge and intimidating.  While I have seen Cybertronian tank modes for Megatron in the comics that I prefer, this is one of the better versions that has made it to a physical toy.

The tank’s main gun is made up of two separate weapons: Megatron’s conventional cannon and a large rifle/sword.  With the sword part removed and the turret turned backwards, it makes a passible mortar tank.


Megatron’s robot mode is good.  It looks like Megatron.  It has a few parts that retain the look of a pistol mode (hammer on the shoulders and the chest area).  He is solid.  Megatron is a more weighty toy than Optimus Prime, which is as it should be.  The weathering on him looks more like mud splatters than battle damage, and I don’t really like his shade of grey.  It would have been better if it was a bit more silvery.  The few red parts pay homage to the original toy and break up the overall grey/black scheme a bit.

Unlike the recent Leader Megatron, his arm cannon can be properly positioned.  It is removable.  The other part of the tank gun can be used as a sword or gun (with pointy blade things).  To fit with the Siege gimmick, there are plenty of peg ports and the weapons may be stored on the back.  img_20190116_190103The biggest problem with this toy is that the head is supported with only a loose hinge behind the neck.  So it tends to sink into the chest a bit.  It is fine on the shelf, but falls down during play.  It looks like there may have been a small part to hold the head up, but it is not on mine.  Maybe it was removed from the design for cost saving.

Overall, this is the best Voyager Megatron I have seen in a long time.  I even posted a long rant (before I started using pictures) on how there were no good G1 style Megatron toys.  So I am happy to have this mostly accurate G1 Megatron.

Robot mode: 9
Vehicle mode: 8
Posability: 8
Playability: 9
Durability: 8
Overall: 9






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